There’s just no talking them down. Disney is hell-bent on milking every last one of their properties in order to give us the origin stories we never asked for. First Maleficent, then Solo, now Cruella, and after that a Lion King prequel?
So far, none of them have been very good. In fact, almost all of them feel like shameless cash grabs. (Except maybe Rogue One and Jon Favreau’s Jungle Book.) So much so that over here at Goggler, we’ve taken to calling them Disney Demakes.
Now we’ve seen the Cruella trailer, and while it looks like a whole load of flash and pizzazz, we can’t quite understand Disney’s obsession to explain, even justify, evil. Do we really need to sympathise with Ms. de Vil? I mean, this is a woman who wanted to skin puppies in order to make fur coats. That’s messed up.
But hey, there will be A LOT more of these coming our way. There’s no escaping it. So why fight it? In fact, we’ve taken the time to mock up some posters of the next 10 Disney Demakes that we’d love to see. We think they speak for themselves.










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