The less you know about Dave Franco's directorial debut the better. That said, we try to avoid ruining things in our review.
Look kids, it's the sequel to The Kissing Booth that we all knew was coming. It's the deeper, darker, Empire Strikes Back-ish second movie... oh, who am I kidding?
Director Yeon Sang-ho takes us back into his zombie universe by way of an action heist thriller.
Tom Hanks is back as a steely Captain fighting against impossible odds.
What do you do with your time in Palm Springs when all you have is time? Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti are a winning pair in this time loop comedy.
With the arrival of the live stage recording of Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hamilton on Disney+, Iain finally dives into the musical phenomenon after (accidentally) avoiding it for so long.
This is a film about Cuban spies in Miami, that is so chock full of stellar South American talent, that it really should have been a better movie.
This is the franchise starter that you're looking for.
Can this fan edit of David Lynch's Dune movie, adding back in footage from various versions, redeem the 1984 flop?
In Netflix's new comedy, Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga, Will Ferrell is a man-baby in yet another movie with an overstuffed title.
Studio Colorido's latest feature, the charming and whimsical A Whisker Away, further cements their reputation as an anime powerhouse.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt returns, in his first leading role since 2016, in a high concept aircraft hijack drama where the action never leaves the cockpit.
When a low budget Malaysian action-horror-comedy with a title like Space Ninjas pops up on Amazon Prime, Iain can't resist checking it out.
Jon Favreau's 2014 film Chef is a perfect example of a matinee movie; light, fun, sweet. Chef is the perfect movie for that lazy cool weekend afternoon.
Timely. Relevant. Important. Yet incredibly disjointed and messy.
Jodorowsky's Dune is a documentary on the failed attempt to make the first adaptation of Frank Herbert's sci-fi epic novel.
Behold, Poland's answer to 50 Shades of Grey.
Kenneth Branagh delivers Disney's biggest dud since Ava Duvernay ruined A Wrinkle in Time.
Writer/director Andrew Patterson's debut feature, The Vast of Night, is an enjoyable callback to the science fiction television (and radio!) of yore.
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