The Last Days of American Crime, Olivier Megaton's adaptation of a graphic novel by Rick Remender and Greg Tocchini, is an interminable bore.
Why are South Asian Americans such good spellers?
What better way to rekindle a dying relationship than to immerse yourself in a criminal conspiracy?
The Wrong Missy, a "comedy" that's premised on sending the right text to the wrong person, is profoundly dull and deeply unfunny.
How far would you go for a loved one who's been railroaded by injustice? Would you go as far as murder? That's the choice facing the cast of Netflix's latest Indian movie.
Witness Michelle Obama find a new path for herself after the brief "interruption" that was Barack Obama's presidency.
In a time when everyone and his uncle has a Netflix comedy special, 23 Hours to Kill, is a great reminder of what a real one of those looks and sounds like.
The Half of It takes the classic Cyrano de Bergerac story, puts a 21st century spin on it, and manages to keep it fresh, interesting and, most of all, fun.
This is the Beastie Boys story as they fought for their right to party, not sleeping, surviving sabotage, and ultimately being intergalactic.
Witness the true story of how two school administrators bamboozled their way into the biggest ever school embezzlement case in U.S. history.
Kevin Costner stars in another sports movie that isn't really about the sport.
In Netflix's latest actioner, Chris Hemsworth plays Tyler Rake, a black market mercenary who is hired to rescue the kidnapped son of a Mumbai drug lord.
An important reminder on the genius of Jane Goodall.
They Shall Not Grow Old brings back to life footage from World War I and shows us the true devastation and horrors of war.
Netflix's new romantic comedy, manages to single-handedly ruin love for everyone involved.
Jim Jarmusch's The Dead Don't Die is a zombie comedy, with some wierdly meta police officers, set in small, rural, everytown USA.
Another perspective on the Malaysian political thriller Daulat, now streaming for free on iflix.
Does Malaysia's first ever political thriller accomplish what it sets out to?
Is this the future of anime?
Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia's debut feature is a savagely efficient parable about class, society, and the selfish nature of humanity.
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