In this week’s episode of The Goggler Podcast, Uma, Iain, and Bahir review Love Wedding Repeat, The Last Dance, Tigertail, and Bad Education.
In this week’s episode of The Goggler Podcast, Uma, Iain, and Bahir resign themselves to being isolated at home for the foreseeable future.
In this week’s episode of The Goggler Podcast, Uma, Iain, and Bahir ask themselves some difficult existential questions after watching The Platform on Netflix while self-isolating at home.
It's the one where Uma, Iain, and Bahir continue to watch things while socially distancing themselves from one another.
This week, on the podcast, Uma, Iain, and Bahir are torn over how they feel about this uneven first season of Star Trek: Picard.
EXCLUSIVE: Goggler speaks to director Zach Heinzerling about "The Man at the Top", his episode of Netflix's Dirty Money, featuring Najib Razak and 1MDB.
And now... the end is near...
It's the one where Uma, Iain, and Bahir watch really bad movies while socially distancing themselves from each other... and everyone else.
This week, Uma, Iain, and Bahir brave the coronavirus and settle in for a long few months with no new movies in cinemas.
It's the episode of Star Trek: Picard when all the loose threads start coming together. Count us in and count us intrigued.
This week, Uma, Iain, and Bahir have a good ol' rant about how this episode of Dirty Money made them feel.
This week, Uma and Iain can't quite agree on how much they like Pixar's Onward. Is it good? Or is it merely fine?
In this episode of Goggler Presents, Uma and Iain feel all the feels when Picard. Riker, and Troi finally reunite at Nepenthe.
This week, Uma, Iain, and Bahir review the two Blumhouse movies currently in cinemas. Spoiler alert. Only one of them is good.
Uma, Iain, and Bahir get annoyed at some of the lazy writing that really doesn't belong on a show of this calibre.
This week, Uma, Iain, and Bahir review Hitman: Agent Jun, The World According to Jeff Goldblum, and Hulu's High Fidelity.
Uma, Iain, and Bahir continue on their journey with Picard and his crew, boldly going where no accent has gone before.
On this week's podcast, Uma, Iain, and Bahir review Sonic, Richard Jewell, and To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You.
We're off to meet the wizard... but can we make a pit stop first?
On this week's podcast, Uma, Iain, and Bahir review Birds of Prey, The Gentlemen, and Little Women.
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