The To All The Boys (TATB) trilogy came to an end (as far as we know) with To All the Boys: Always and Forever on Netflix recently. If you want to hear our expansive thoughts on the movie you can check out the latest episode of The Goggler Podcast where both concerns, and feels, were in high supply. There is, however, one part of the film that I just had to examine in more detail: Lara Jean’s list of Peter’s favourite movies.
About halfway through the film, while planning a “perfect” date night with dreamy Peter Kavinsky (Noah Centineo), Lara Jean Covey (Lana Condor) consults a list she’s made of Peter’s favourite movies, which also handily records which ones they’ve already watched together. A major issue with teen dramas can be that they are often made (and reviewed!) by people in their 30s and 40s. This usually becomes apparent in the dialogue, but looking at Lara Jean’s list, this might explain why some of the choices may seem a little… “off.”
Here’s Lara Jean’s list:

Let’s take a closer look…

Things get off to a great start with Scorsese’s Goodfellas. Who doesn’t love this American crime classic. Then again, seeing as it’s over 30 years old at this point, it might seem a little odd as a favorite movie for a high schooler. Maybe Peter harbours some film latent “film bro” tendencies? The bigger question is how has he not watched this with Lara Jean yet?
Dumb and Dumber (Watched)
I’m just going to have to let it slide that L.J. and P.K. have watched Dumb and Dumber together before Goodfellas, but this is a pretty great date night movie choice. L.J. + P.K. can share laughs at Harry and Lloyd’s escapades as well hide in each others arms from the gross parts. Personally, I prefer There’s Something About Mary from the Farrelly brothers oeuvre.
Great choice Kavinsky.
300 (Watched)

This is a bit of a weird one. Don’t get me wrong. I saw 300 in the cinema and it was very enjoyable. Arguably the best realization of Zack Snyder’s aesthetic and (so far) the best match of material to his style. But as a date movie? Really?
And they’ve already watched it together, presumably the same way they watch Say Anything. On a laptop? Sharing a single pair of AirPod’s between them for sound? I’m not sure the epic visuals (or epic abs) will have quite the same effect as on the big screen.
Actually, I do know at least one woman who took a date (not me), to see 300 in the cinema back in 2006, so maybe I’m missing something here.
Bad Boys
While To All The Boys: Always and Forever is explicitly set in 2021, which results in some odd moments like L.J. and P.K. having an actual prom, I’m guessing Lara Jean’s list refers to Will Smith and Martin Lawence’s first excursion as Mike Lowry and Marcus Burnet in Michael Bay’s feature directorial debut from 1995, and not the most recent movie, Bad Boys For Life. (Editor’s Note: Which wasn’t all that bad to be honest!)
I’m beginning to see a bit of an action comedy pattern here. Bad Boys is another solid action/comedy flick, and I’d go as far to say probably a decent enough date flick too, thanks to the humour and the prescence of Will Smith. More than 300 anyway?
Those “film bro” tendencies raise do their head again though, with the Michael Bay connection.
This is the End (Watched)
Another a decent comedic choice from Kavinsky. Fun all around with Seth Rogen and friends. This is exactly the kind of movie you’d expect a high school boy to enjoy. (No offence!)
Charlie’s Angels

Another action comedy and the first to feature women in the leading roles (no disrespect to Lorraine Bracco in Goodfellas!). Considering the random assortment of film references in To All The Boys 3, I’m surprised the film didn’t slip into Charlie’s Angels. Perhaps Peter will only start calling L.J. Starfish, and insist on being referred to as “The Chad,” after they watch it together?
X-Men: Apocalypse
What. The. Hell?
OF ALL 957 X-Men moves to date, why Apocalypse? Why!!!???
Even if the filmmakers wanted to stick in a reference to the newer X-Men cast, why not go for the far superior Days of Future Past? Or even the excellent First Class? Hell, why not Deadpool, which would seem like a much better fit with Kavinsky’s love of action comedies?
This is such a baffling choice for someone who apparently also loves the next movie on the list Shazam! as well as The Big Lebowski.
Is Apocalypse the only X-Men movie Kavinsky’s actually seen?
In what world is Apocalypse a date movie!?
Why would you tell someone this is one of your favourite movies?
Did he mean Apocalypto? Apocalypse Now?
Oh God. Is this on his list because Apocalypse features Olivia Munn in a swimsuit!?
Peter is (supposed to be) a teenage boy after all?

EDIT: As pointed out by @twthisguy on Instagram, Apocalypse was probably included as Lana Condor played Jubilee in that movie. Apparently Professor X has been tinkering with our minds, as everyone here at Goggler forgot this. Now that we’ve been reminded however, I’m mad all over again! How could the filmmakers include a reference to a movie that critically undervalued both Lana and Jubliee! They went through all the trouble of teaming her up with Cyclops, Jean Grey and Nightcrawler for a trip to the mall but then ditched her when they went on an adventure to Weapon X!
Lana Condor was also in Alita Battle Angel and I think I’d have preferred Peter like that movie over Apocalypse!
We’re guessing this was a sly nod to Noah Centineo’s role as Atom Smasher in the long gestating Shazam! spin off, Black Adam, but do the filmakers not see a problem here? How could the same person like both Shazam! (a fun, action comedy take on the wish fulfillment aspect of superhero movies) and X-Men: Apocalypse (super powered hot, wet garbage)?
Fast and Furious

The first movie? Really? Not the one where they go to Brazil and drag a massive safe through the city streets? Not the one where they leap sports cars between skyscrapers in Dubai? Not the one where Dom and co. take on a tank? Not even Tokyo Drift?
Kavinsky prefers the first movie, where the plot revolves around the high speed theft of combo TV/VHS players and tuna sandwiches (no crust)?
Maybe Lara Jean misunderstood and he loves the franchise as a whole but considering how long she spends trying to perfect everything in her life, from relationships to cake batter, I’d have to assume no.
Doctor Sleep
Another WTF choice from Lacrosse boy here. Does he prefer this over The Shining? Has he seen The Shining?
Doctor Sleep is the only “horror” movie on this list, and a mild one at that, so perhaps he’s looking for some extra cuddle time on the couch with L.J., and doesn’t want to scare her too much? At 2 hours and 32 minutes, this is the longest film on the list so maybe Peter just added it to maximise his alone time with her?
Apart for that one, glaring, purple exception, another odd thing about the list is it doesn’t include the films that we know L.J. and P.K. have watched together. We see them watch Say Anything together earlier in the movie and Kavinksy even recreates John Cusack’s classic boombox pose from the movie. Was this Lara Jean’s choice?
Their eventual date reveals that Peter’s a big fan of The Big Lebowksi too, but this is nowhere on the list. (The camera did cut away as L.J. appeared to be writing though.)

I still can’t get over the inclusion of X-Men Apocalypse. The only explanation I can come up with for it’s inclusion is that the filmmakers are either woefully out of touch with actual teenagers or, and this is a stretch, it’s there to tie in to what *I* saw as one of the biggest messages of To All the Boys: Always and Forever: just stop worrying and embrace the chaos.
The True Meaning of To All The Boys: Always and Forever…
Lara Jean spends so much time worrying in these movies. Worrying about her old love letters getting out, worrying about being with the prettiest boy in high school, and worrying about not going to college with the prettiest boy in high school. Seemingly every other character from Kitty (who should get her own spin off series btw!), to Peter, to Christine, to Lara Jean’s dad, to even the dreaded Genevieve, seem to live in the moment and handle the uncertainty of their everyday lives. They all seem quite happy about it too.
Peter’s chaotic list of favorite movies leans into that. He’s not worried about what people think (sorry, Peter), these are just some of his favourite things. Come on Lara Jean, take a lead out of Peter’s book and embrace the chaos. Don’t worry, be happy!
But maybe convince Peter to skip X-Men: Apocalypse for movie night, okay?
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