One (movies) list to rule them all and, in the darkness, bind them...
One (TV) list to rule them all and, in the darkness, bind them...

The second in our series of worksheets for parents and children features the Don Bluth/Steven Spielberg classic, An American Tail.
It's the one where Uma, Iain, and Bahir watch really bad movies while socially distancing themselves from each other... and everyone else.
The first in a series of worksheets we've created for parents looking to spend quality time with their kids, watching great movies, and learning together.

This week, Uma, Iain, and Bahir brave the coronavirus and settle in for a long few months with no new movies in cinemas.
This week, Uma and Iain can't quite agree on how much they like Pixar's Onward. Is it good? Or is it merely fine?
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