Star Trek Discovery's finale leaves Iain and Bahir with mixed feelings as it sets out a new status quo but repeats some mistakes of the series so far.
Bahir and Iain learn to be careful what they wish for as "Die Hard on Discovery" doesn't quite live up to their expectations on this weeks Discovery.
Bahir and Iain check in on the latest Star Trek: Discovery episode, "Su'Kal," as the crew zero in on the cause of The Burn and the Osyraa makes her move.
On the latest Star Trek: Discovery episode, "Terra Firma, Part 2," Iain and Bahir bid adieu to a crewmate as Carl's identity is revealed!
Bahir and Iain reflect on the latest Star Trek: Discovery episode, "Terra Firma, Part 1," as Georgiou goes on a trip through the looking glass.
Star Trek Discovery settles into a new groove with a trip to Book's home planet and the arrival of a new nemesis, the Emerald Chain's Osyraa.
Bahir and Iain discuss this week's Star Trek: Discovery, where the crew visits a familiar planet that's been though some drastic changes.
On this week's Star Trek: Discovery, Bahir and Iain ponder Burnham's dilemma as Discovery undergoes some much needed upgrades.
As Discovery's crew finally reach Federation HQ, Bahir and Iain are standing by with this episode's debrief.
Iain and Bahir discuss their thoughts on the fourth episode of the third season of Star Trek: Discovery, "Forget Me Not."
We review Star Trek: Discovery, The Mandalorian, and Somebody Feed Phil.
We review Star Trek: Lower Decks, Project Power, and Lovecraft Country.
This week, on the podcast, Uma, Iain, and Bahir are torn over how they feel about this uneven first season of Star Trek: Picard.
And now... the end is near...
It's the episode of Star Trek: Picard when all the loose threads start coming together. Count us in and count us intrigued.
In this episode of Goggler Presents, Uma and Iain feel all the feels when Picard. Riker, and Troi finally reunite at Nepenthe.
Uma, Iain, and Bahir get annoyed at some of the lazy writing that really doesn't belong on a show of this calibre.
This week, Uma, Iain, and Bahir review Hitman: Agent Jun, The World According to Jeff Goldblum, and Hulu's High Fidelity.
Uma, Iain, and Bahir continue on their journey with Picard and his crew, boldly going where no accent has gone before.
We're off to meet the wizard... but can we make a pit stop first?
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