Hello everyone. Today, I am your very confused Feisty Indian Aunty. I am deeply religious and I have always believed that if you spend your life doing the right thing, then you will be blessed with good karma. I believed that if you look after your parents when they are old, and don’t throw them into an old age home, then you will be rewarded by your children doing the same.
You know the story, of the man who wanted to hasten his ageing father’s death by wrapping him in a sack and throwing him into a well. And how, as he was about to do so, his own son tells him, “Appa, don’t throw the sack into the well. I will need that when you grow old.”
Now imagine the feeling of comfort I initially had when watching I Care a Lot. I was impressed that this wonderful woman is looking out for people who are unable to care for themselves. I loved how she took on the burden of caring for them. Yes, there are many children out there who do not care for their mentally unfit parents, and they aren’t given the best care they should and could get. Yes, there is abuse even with caregivers employed by well-meaning children.
The first moments of this movie are incredibly heart-warming and it made me think, “Wow! There are people who really care for the elderly. What’s more, kudos to the courts for being so willing to allow the abused elderly to be taken care of by the state.”

Then I watched the rest of the movie in horror. It was all a scheme. Doing “the right thing” was all part of some get rich scam. It caught me by surprise that people can actually plan something so simple, so fundamentally good, and exploit it to such evil ends. The shenanigans were so cleverly done no one actually saw it for the fraud that it was. All it needed were a group of like-minded people, who supported each other, and knew how to work the system in order to get paid serious money.
The “hero” of this terrifying movie is played by Rosamund Pike who is absolutely superb in her part. She is fearless, and crafty, and absolutely brilliant. Research is done to see who lives alone and has unencumbered wealth. Then they go to court and speak about the abuse, put them in a home, and dissolve their assets which pays everyone involved very well. The trouble starts when they get hold of an older woman with all her faculties intact and put her away, only to realise that nothing is as it seems.

No spoiler alert here my dears. JUST GO AND WATCH THIS MOVIE! Your Feisty Indian Aunty wants you to be as terrified as she was watching it. It will remind you, as it did me, that Karma is always at work, all the time.
On a final note, take care of your old parents. They took care of you, cleaned up your shit (literally), and coped with you being a menace around the house when you were growing up. Now it’s your turn!
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