We hear you. We know how confusing The King: Eternal Monarch can be. With its many simultaneous plot lines. With its actors playing doppelgängers that traverse multiple dimensions. With all of that math and quantum mechanics. And with none of the traditional narrative checkpoints to help you along the way; except maybe for some minor visual cues.
To make things harder, Episodes 14 and 15 of the show introduced some pretty heavy time travel elements which, in turn, lead to many more questions, not just about parallel universes, but alternate timelines, temporal paradoxes, whether or not “the same matter can occupy the same space.”
It’s enough to make you go…
Have no fear, because we’re here to hook you up and help you out.
Allow us to present – as of now, and to the best of our knowledge – the first and only visual guide to all of the The King: Eternal Monarch‘s transdimensional time travelling shenanigans.

You’re welcome.
Go on and download the high resolution version, pore over it, and get ready for tomorrow’s series finale.
(Yes, this thing is massive. So you’re going to have to do a lot of zooming and scrolling. But that’s just how complex the series is.)
Share your theories on how you think all of this is going to end. What questions do you still need answering? (God knows we’ve got at least seven!) And don’t forget to check out our review of the series here.
* Do let us know if you come across any errors or omissions. You can get in touch with us here, or on any of our social media feeds.
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